The Best Electronic Music For Sleeping

A good night’s sleep. Everyone is craving it, but not everyone can get it. Whether your mind starts worrying the second your head hits the pillow or suffering from insomnia, having trouble sleeping has a huge, negative impact on your life. 

Now, let us tell you something weird. It is likely that you associate electronic music with thousands of intoxicated party people dancing their asses off with seizure-triggering lights and lasers. What if we told you this same music could potentially help you sleep better? If reading this article just minutes before bedtime makes you sleepy, we’d advise you to switch off your device and minimize your screen time. If you’re wide awake and planning on keeping it that way for the next couple of hours, then let’s dive into the nitty & gritty!

Sleeping music is often associated with entering a state of relaxation. However, recent studies have shown that, besides these spiritual benefits, there is more scientific reasoning behind them. Music can have a direct effect on the parasympathetic nervous system. And this part of the nervous system helps your body relax and fall asleep.

So, how does this work? Like any type of music, relaxing music enters your ears in the form of sound waves. When the brain interprets these sound waves, a series of physical effects are triggered that promote sleep or minimize issues that cause trouble sleeping. Think about the creation of dopamine, reduction of stress or distracting your brain from anxious thoughts. Perhaps the most logical, yet least considered benefit of sleeping music, is that it helps minimize the effect of nighttime noises such as airplanes causing your sleepless nights.

Having said that, not all music genres help you feel fresh and energized in the morning. Yes, it would have been a-ma-zing if we could copy and paste the link to a playlist full of sleeping music, and the bags under your eyes would have magically disappeared tomorrow. But no, it is not that simple. 

Good news for all 16-year-old high school girls out there: everyone is unique and so is your body’s reaction to music. Finding the perfect songs to accompany you on your trip to ‘Dream Land’ is very much related to your musical preference. There are some rules of thumb though. Generally, good sleeping music has around 60-80 BPM (beats per minute, for the rookies here). This has to do with your heart rate, which should range from 60 - 100 BPM whenever you’re in a state of relaxation. 

So if electronic music sits at the very top of your musical taste, and you would eat your own shoes in return for a 7.5-hour sleep cycle, we might have the perfect sleeping music playlist for you! Take a look at our selection, find your personal favorite, and erm… sleep tight! 

1. Chill Lofi Playlist by Soave

The soft, ear-soothing sounds of lofi songs: if this doesn’t get you dreamin’ we don’t know what will! 

2. Nocturnal Beats - Dreamy Lofi Beats / Electronic Beats | Study Music | Memoir Music 2020 by Memoir Music

This list hasn’t been updated in a while. But hey, who the hell cares? As long as it wakes you up energized in the morning, right?

3. lofi beats by Spotify

For all those people who just want to close their eyes and dream are at least supported by the mighty Spotify itself.

4. Instrumental Chill - LoFi Music to Relax by Soave

Okay, we must admit that the BPMs on these tracks are a bit on the higher side, but this surely gets us in a state of total relaxation.

5. Chill Out Beats (Lofi, HipHop, Piano, Guitar & Short Instrumentals) by Sensual Musique

Seriously, we have trouble keeping our eyes open while writing this blog at this stage.


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